Why are 24/7 Wi-Fi enabled defibrillators essential in the UK?

Every seven minutes, someone in the UK will have a heart attack. The average emergency service response time is 11 minutes, and for every minute that goes by the chance of survival drops by 10%. Without immediate treatment, 90 to 95% of victims will die.

This is why Wi-Fi enabled defibrillators have the potential to save so many lives. Groundbreaking products at the forefront of digital and medical science like the Lifepak CR2 defibrillator are now fitted with Wi-Fi integration, for tangible and immediate benefits. If a defibrillator is used and effective CPR is performed within five minutes of cardiac arrest, the chance of survival increases from 6% to 74%.

What are the benefits of Wi-Fi enabled defibrillators?

Constant connectivity with incoming paramedics means information like the number of shocks and rhythm of the heart can be relayed in real time. The instruction speaker system also allows the unit to give live audio direction to users, meaning that someone with no medical training whatsoever can become a lifesaver. And if you were worried about using one of these machines incorrectly and harming someone, you needn’t be. These state-of-the-art devices are intelligently designed to only work when an arrhythmic heartbeat is detected.

The UK has sorely needed this development in medical technology after lagging behind European pioneers Sweden in terms of public access to these defibrillators and the number of lives saved each year. Sweden spends 11% of its GDP on healthcare, whereas the figure for the UK is only 9.9%. Between 2004 and 2010, mortality rates after heart attacks were 30% lower in Sweden than in the UK. Sweden are quicker in implementing new technologies such as angioplasty, and are better at prescribing treatments to prevent further heart attacks.

The Lifepak CR2

The Lifepak CR2 is just one example of an essential life-saving product. It takes only 10 to 20 minutes to set up with Wi-Fi. It also comes with cprCOACHâ„¢ Feedback Technology to provide advice during the cardiac arrest response. A metronome provides tones at the correct rate for chest compressions and voice prompts are even adjusted depending on whether the device is being used effectively.

And it doesn’t stop there. This futuristic kit includes technology that incorporates how the human ear interprets audio instructions within real-world cardiac arrest scenarios, such as shopping centres, highways and emergency rooms. The volume automatically adjusts depending on surrounding noise levels.

There is growing pressure by UK heart charities for the UK government to do more to support our wonderful emergency services. Investing in products like the Lifepak CR2 will do wonders in helping to close the gap on our European neighbours.
